New Industry Association:
As the owner of CDC Services, I am focused on initiatives that will assist in enhancing the professionalism of the medico-legal industry and supporting its members and associates.
I have been collaborating with other major providers to form a peak body to represent the medico–legal industry. So, I am pleased to announce the formation of a new industry Association: AAMLP – the Australasian Association of Medico–Legal Providers.
Our primary objectives are to advance professional standards and contemporary practice and to deliver events and programmes to our members and affiliates. It is hoped that a peak body will unite the industry and strengthen the quality of service provision to you, the end user. I will have more to share in the next few months as the Association develops.
CDC “Going Green” initiatives:
Taking the lead from one of our clients, we have recently introduced a number of initiatives to make our office greener. And so, by choosing our services you are also having a positive impact on the environment!
Simple but effective changes we are making that you may have noticed are:
- printing our reports double sided
- providing reports in PDF
- eliminating faxes in favour of email communication.
In-house we are also:
- scanning instead of printing documents for our Experts
- recycling waste paper to note pads
- returning all our printer cartridges to our supplier for safe disposal
- switching off our PC’s, printers and all lighting after hours.
You can help us further too:
- by sending your larger briefs on a disc rather than sending us all the hospital clinical notes, the medical and allied health discharge summaries would be more valuable.
Have you visited
Cost of Care is an on-line service arm of CDC Services.
Our Cost of Care report service is ideal for those smaller claims where you are relying on Doctors’ opinions for domestic assistance recommendations.
Our experience has shown us that the costs of in-home nursing care and domestic services vary considerably, both between providers and across regions, within and outside metropolitan areas.
Recognising that accuracy is essential, we have built a data base of in-home care market rates by region across NSW. When you proceed to mediation or settlement you can be confident that the rates we provide in our reports are a far more accurate and specific reflection of the average market rate than has ever been provided before.
The feedback we have received to date assures us that will quickly become a valuable resource for your business and look forward to being of service in this efficient online way.